Hydrangeas are our specialty!

Over 100 Varieties To Choose From!

We carry well over 100 different hydrangea varieties each year, all of the new and the best of the old. Check out our FIND YOUR PERFECT MATCH search tool to find the one that’s best for you! Or simply type HYDRANGEA in the search box to view our entire selection.

Having trouble getting blooms on your hydrangeas? Stop in our store and pick up one of Tim’s free handouts. Your hydrangeas will thank you! And see Tim’s own Website, www.hydrangeasinthenorth.com, for more information, His books on hydrangeas are available right here at Wayside Garden Center.

You’ll also find at Wayside Garden Center plenty of free information on the best hydrangeas for drying, how to safely change their flower color, or how to use hydrangeas for year after year patio color.

For more details Contact Us