

Our birding department is here to help you create a bird sanctuary in your own yard. Our bird seed and various bird feeders have been created to attract a diverse selection of birds. Our charming birdhouses and bird baths are perfect for keeping your favorite birds safe and content. Come check out the unique birding essentials at Wayside Garden Center.


Our birding department is here to help you create a bird sanctuary in your own yard. Our bird seed and various bird feeders have been created to attract a diverse selection of birds. Our charming birdhouses and bird baths are perfect for keeping your favorite birds safe and content. Come check out the unique birding essentials at Wayside Garden Center.
Bird Feeders   •   Oriole Feeders   •  Hummingbird Feeders
Our products include:
Attract a variety of feathered friends with our diverse selection of bird feeders. Choose from hanging, pole-mounted, or window-attached options.
Bird Houses
Provide safe nesting spots for local birds with our charming collection of bird houses. Available in various styles to suit different species and to fit your garden and home style
Bird Seed
Keep your feathered visitors fed all season long with quality bagged and bulk bird seed. We offer specialized blends to attract specific bird species, as well as all-purpose mixes.
Bird Baths
Give birds a place to drink and bathe with bird baths. Choose from pedestal, hanging, or ground-level designs to fit your garden layout.
Additional Birding Supplies
Enhance your birding experience with our wide range of products. Nectar, Baffles, Shepards Hooks and more!

Visit Wayside Garden Center today to explore these products and more. Our friendly staff is always ready to offer expert advice on creating your perfect outdoor living space and attracting local wildlife to your garden.

Our products include:
  • Bird Houses
  • Bird Baths
  • Oriole Feeders
  • Hummingbird Feeders
  • Nectar
  • Suet
  • Bird Seed
  • Baffles
  • Shepherds Hooks
  • And more!
Photo Credit to: Lynn Robertson of Gypsy Photography